・ Patent search, application, strategies, profolio management
・Trademark search, application, strategies, profolio management
・Matrixy™, the Alive Patent Map
・Legal advisory
We can help your bussiness to strive
・Matrixy™ the Alive Patent Map, the top-notch instrument to help you get ahead of competition
・Legal profession on Civil Law, Criminal Law,Corporate Law, IP , M&A, Labor Law,etc. fields
・Launch your Amazon business : From applying foreign trademark to a thriving business
Taiwan headquarter
Address:3rd Floor, No. 26, Minsheng Rd., South Dist., Taichung City 402001, Taiwan
Address:5F.-3, No. 170, Sec. 1, Henan Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City 407347, Taiwan
Tel:+886 04-2560-6367 / 04-2568-2078
Mon-Fri 9:00~18:00