- 在2022年06月所舉辦會議中,五大專利局承諾推動NET/AI專案 “蒐集五大專利局中與AI相關專利之現行審查實務資料、及其網站中所公告資料”。
- 本專案目的在於,藉由提供五大專利局對於AI相關專利之審查實務概況,協助申請人掌握申請AI相關專利時所需注意的要點,進一步能於多個國家中順利取得專利權。
- 本專案範疇為彙整五大專利局之相關法條及資訊,包含了各專利局之審查章節、審查基準、案例等與AI相關專利於各專利局審查時所適用的重點資訊。
- 作為一主導腳色,日本專利局寄出關於此專案之問卷,並已獲得其他專利局回覆。
- 為避免資訊過時,提供網站資料連結與以下資訊。使用者可以於日後透過網站連結擷取最新資訊。
- 五大專利局之完整回覆,如附件。
- 五大專利局之回覆摘要列表,於下一頁呈現。
Q1. 請提供最新專利法之網站連結 |
The European Patent Convention |
Patent Act |
Patent Act |
Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China [Chinese] Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China |
United States Code Title 35 – Patents [English] |
Q2.貴局對於AI相關之專利的審查標準及相關適用法規等材料有哪些? [特點:] |
Guidelines for examination in the European Patent Office (2022) [English] [German] [French] [Feature: 1, 2, 3] Section G-II, 3.3.1 of the Guidelines for examination in the European Patent Office (2022) [English] [German] [French] [Feature: 1] Index for Computer-Implemented Inventions containing links to sections of Guidelines relating particularly to CIIs [English] [German] [French] [Feature: 1, 2, 3] Case Law of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office, 10th Edition, July 2022 [English] [German] [French] [Feature: 1, 2, 3, 4] Opinion G 3/08 of the Enlarged Board of Appeal dealing with the patentability of computer programs [English] [German] [French] [Feature: 2] Decision G 1/19 of the Enlarged Board of Appeal on computer- implemented simulations [English] [German] [French] [Feature: 2] |
Examination Guidelines for Patent and Utility Model in Japan [English] [Feature: 3] Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model, Annex B, Chapter 1, Computer software related Inventions Outline of the Examination Guidelines for Patent and Utility Model Newly Added Case Examples for AI-related Technologies [English] [Feature: 1] Examination Guidelines in Manga: AI/IoT Edition [English] [Feature: 2] Points of Revision of the Examination Guidelines and Examination Handbook for Computer Software-Related Inventions Examination Guidelines pertinent to IoT related technologies [English] [Feature: 2] Case Examples pertinent to AI- related technologies Case examples pertinent to IoT related technology, etc. [English] [Feature: 2] Explanation of Examination Guidelines and Examination Handbook for Computer Software-Related Inventions [Japanese] [Feature: 2] |
Examination practice guide by technology field [Korean] [Feature: 1, 2] Patent Examination Guideline [English] [Korean] [Feature: 3] |
Guidelines for Patent Examination (2010) The Order of Amending Guidelines for Patent Examination (No.74) [Chinese] [Feature: 2] The Announcement of Amending Guidelines for Patent Examination (No.343) |
Manual of Patent Examining Procedure Chapter 2106, 2161-2166, 2181- 2186 of Manual of Patent Examining Procedure [English] [Feature: 2] |
Q3.貴局是否與其他專利局合作對於AI相關之專利的審查實務及標準進行比較研析? [特點:] 1.比較研析聚焦於AI相關專利之審查實務及標準 2..比較研析聚焦於軟體相關專利之審查實務及標準,包含與AI相關者 |
[EPO & KIPO] Comparative study on computer- implemented inventions/software- related inventions (2021) [EPO & JPO] Comparative study on computer- implemented inventions/software- related inventions (2021) [EPO & CNIPA] Comparative study on computer- implemented inventions/software- related inventions (2019) |
[JPO & EPO] Comparative Study on Computer Implemented Inventions/Software related Inventions [English] [Japanese] [Feature: 2] [Five IP Offices] International Symposium on Patent Examination Practices on AI-related Inventions [English] [Japanese] [Feature: 1] [EPO, JPO & USPTO] Report on Comparative Study Carried Out Under Trilateral Project 24.2 |
[EPO & KIPO] Comparative study on computer- implemented inventions/software related inventions |
[EPO & CNIPA] Comparative study on computer implemented inventions/software related inventions |
N/A |
Q4. 關於專利適格性之法規規定? |
Art. 52 EPC |
Main Paragraph of Article 29(1) of Patent Act |
Article 2, Article 29(1) and Article 32 of Patent Act |
Article 2, Article 5 and Article 25 of Patent Law of PRC. [Chinese] |
35 U.S.C. 101 |
Q5. 若有評估AI相關專利之專利適格性的審查指南或其他資料,請列出 |
Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office (2022) [Index for Computer- Implemented Inventions] |
Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model, Annex B [Chapter 1, Section 2.1] |
Examination practice guide by technology field [Pages 1301~1310, 7301~7306] |
The Announcement of Amending Guidelines for Patent Examination (No.343) [Section 6.1.1 and 6.1.2.] |
Manual of Patent Examining Procedure |
Q6. 若評估AI或軟體相關專利之專利適格性的審查指南或其他資料中,有列舉可被接受、不可被接受之專利主體、或專利範圍撰寫形式者,請列出 |
Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office (2022) [G-II, 3.3] [G-II, 3.3.1] Case Law of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office, 10th Edition, July 2022 [I.A.2.2.2] [I.A.2.4] |
Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model, Annex B [Chapter 1, Section 2.1.2] |
Examination practice guide by technology field [Pages 1205~1211, 1301~1310, 6203~6204, 7301~7306, 55~76] |
The Announcement of Amending Guidelines for Patent Examination (No.343) The Order of Amending Guidelines for Patent Examination (No.74) [Section 2, 3, 4] Guidelines for Patent Examination (2010), Part 2 [Chapter 9, Section 2] [Chapter 9, Section 3] [Chapter 9, Section 5.2] |
Manual of Patent Examining Procedure [2106.03 Eligibility Step 1: The Four Categories of Statutory Subject Matter] |
Q7. 為了能理解如何評估AI相關專利之專利適格性,若有任何相關案例,請提供 [結論:] 1.符合專利適格性的案例 2.不符合專利適格性的案例 |
Decision T 1173/97 of the Boards of Appeal [Link] [Summary: 1] Decision T 1820/16 of Technical Board of Appeal [Link] [Summary: 2] Hypothetical example of applying the COMVIK approach (GL G- VII, [Link] [Summary: 1] |
Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model, Annex B [Case 2-13] [Summary: 1] [Case 2-14] [Summary: 1] Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model, Annex A |
Examination practice guide by technology field [Pages 1301~1310, 7301~7306] [Summary: 1, 2] |
The Announcement of Amending Guidelines for Patent Examination (No.343), Section 6.2 [Example 2,3,4] [Summary: 1] [Example 1,5,6] [Summary: 2] |
The Subject Matter Eligibility webpage [Example 36] [Summary: 1, 2] [Example 39] [Summary: 1] |
Q8. 專利中法中對於說明書規定的相關法條?
2.支持性要求或說明書撰寫規定 [3]. 可據以實施性或揭露充分性 |
1Art. 84 EPC 2Art. 84 EPC 3Art. 83 EPC |
1Article 36(6)(ii) [English] [Japanese] |
[1] Article 42(4)2 [English] [Korean] [2] Article 42(3)2, 42(4)1 |
1Paragraph 3 of Article 26 [Chinese] |
[1] 35 U.S.C. 112(b) [2] 35 U.S.C. 112(a) [3] 35 U.S.C. 112(a) |
Q9. 若有評估AI相關專利之明確性的審查指南或其他資料,請列出 |
Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office (2022) [F-IV] [F-IV, 3.9] [F-IV, 3.9.1] |
Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model, Annex B [[Chapter 1, Section 1.2.1] |
Examination practice guide by technology field [Pages 1205~1211, 6203~6204, 7206~7208, 7402~7407] |
Guidelines for Patent Examination (2010), Part 2 [Chapter 2, Section 2.1.1] [Chapter 9, Section 5.1] The Announcement of Amending Guidelines for Patent Examination (No.343) |
Manual of Patent Examining Procedure |
Q10. 若有評估AI相關專利之支持性要求或說明書撰寫規定的審查指南或其他資料,請列出 | Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office (2022) [F-IV, 6] [F-II, 4.12] |
Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model, Annex A Newly Added Case Examples for AI-related Technologies |
Examination practice guide by technology field [Pages 1204~1205] |
Guidelines for Patent Examination (2010), Part 2 [Chapter 2, Section 3.2.1] [Chapter 9, Section 5.1~5.2 ] The Order of Amending Guidelines for Patent Examination (No.74) [Part 4 of the amendment] |
Manual of Patent Examining Procedure |
Q11.若有評估AI相關專利之可據以實施性或揭露充分性的審查指南或其他資料,請列出 | Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office (2022) [F-III, 1, par. 4] | Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model, Annex B [Chapter 1, Section 1.1.1 ] |
Examination practice guide by technology field [Pages 1201~1204, 6201~6203, 7201~7206, 7401~7402] |
Guidelines for Patent Examination (2010), Part 2 [Chapter 2, Section 2.1.3] [Chapter 9, Section 5.1~5.2] The Order of Amending Guidelines for Patent Examination (No.74) [Part 4 of the amendment] |
Manual of Patent Examining Procedure |
Q12:若有可評估利用AI技術結合人為發展出的產品相關專利之支持性要求/ 說明書撰寫規定、或可據以實施性/ 揭露充分性的審查指南或其他資料,請列出 | Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office (2022) [F-IV, 4.12] [F-III, 4] [F-III, 12] |
Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model, Annex A |
Examination practice guide by technology field [Pages 1201~1205, 3402~3403, 3502~3511] |
N/A | Examination Guidance and Training Materials | USPTO |
Q13. 為了能理解如何評估AI相關專利之說明書撰寫規定,若有任何相關案例,請提供 [結論:] 1.符合明確性的案例 2.不符合明確性的案例 3.符合可據以實施性 /揭露充分性的案例
/說明書撰寫的案例 |
Decision T 410/96 of the Boards of Appeal [Link] [Summary: 1] Decision T 2140/08 of the Boards of Appeal [Link] [Summary: 2] Decision T 161/18 of the Boards of Appeal [Link] [Summary: 4] Decision T 2574/16 of the Boards of Appeal [Link] [Summary: 1,3] Decision T 637/03 of the Boards of Appeal [Link] [Summary: 6] |
Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model, Annex A [Case 47] [Summary: 3] [Case 48] [Summary: 3] [Case 49] [Summary: 3,4,5,6] |
Examination practice guide by technology field [Chapter 1, Case 1 (Pages 1403~1407)] [Summary: 4,6] [Chapter 6, Case 1~7 (Pages 6401~6419)] [Summary: 3,4] [Chapter 7, Case 2 (Pages 7504~7506)] [Summary: 4] |
N/A | N/A |
Q14. 專利中法中對於新穎性規定的相關法條? |
Art. 54 EPC |
Article 29(1) [English] [Japanese] | Article 29(1) [English] [Korean] | Paragraph 2 of Article 22 [Chinese] |
35 U.S.C. 102 |
Q15. 若有可評估AI相關專利之新穎性的審查指南或其他資料,請列出 |
Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office (2022) [G-VI] Case Law of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office, 10th Edition, July 2022 [I.C.1-5] |
Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model, Annex B [Chapter 1, Section 2.2.2] |
Examination practice guide by technology field [Pages 1311~1324] |
Guidelines for Patent Examination (2010), Part 2 [Chapter 3, Section 3] The Announcement of Amending Guidelines for Patent Examination (No.343) |
Manual of Patent Examining Procedure [2120 Rejection on Prior Art] [2131 Anticipation – Application of 35 U.S.C. 102] |
Q16. 為了能理解如何評估AI相關專利之新穎性規定,若有任何相關案例,請提供 [結論:] 1.符合新穎性規定的案例
Decision T 2440/12 of the Boards of Appeal [Link] [Summary: 2] | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Q17. 專利中法中對於進步性規定的相關法條? |
Art. 56 EPC |
Article 29(2) [English] [Japanese] | Article 29(2) [English] [Korean] | Paragraph 3 of Article 22 [Chinese] |
35 U.S.C. 103 |
Q18. 若有可評估AI相關專利之進步性的審查指南或其他資料,請列出 |
Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office Case Law of the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office, 10th Edition, July 2022 [I.D.9.1] [I.D.9.2] |
Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model, Annex B [Chapter 1, Section 2.2.3] |
Examination practice guide by technology field [Pages 1311~1324, 6301~6302, 7306~7316] |
Guidelines for Patent Examination (2010), Part 2 [Chapter 4, Section 3] The Announcement of Amending Guidelines for Patent Examination (No.343) |
Manual of Patent Examining Procedure |
Q19. 為了能理解如何評估AI相關專利之進步性規定,若有任何相關案例,請提供 [結論:] 1.符合進步性規定的案例
3.其他 |
Decision T 1286/09 of the Boards of Appeal Decision G 1/19 of the Enlarged Board of Appeal EPO-JPO Comparative study on computer-implemented inventions/software-related inventions (2021) |
Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model, Annex A [Case 31] [Summary: 2] [Case 32] [Summary: 2] [Case 33] [Summary: 2] [Case 34] [Summary: 1, 2] [Case 35] [Summary: 2] [Case 36] [Summary: 1] Examination Handbook for Patent and Utility Model, Annex B, Chapter 1, Section [Example 1] [Summary: 2] [Example 2] [Summary: 2] [Example 4] [Summary: 1] [Example 5] [Summary: 1] |
Examination practice guide by technology field [Chapter 1, Case 2~5 (Pages 1407~1432)] [Summary: 1, 2] [Chapter 6, Case 8~18 (Pages 6420~6444)] [Summary: 1, 2] [Chapter 7, Case 3, 5, 6 (Pages 7507~7510, 7515~7522)] [Summary: 1, 2] |
The Announcement of Amending Guidelines for Patent Examination (No.343) [Example 7, 9] [Summary: 1] [Example 8, 10 8, 10] [Summary: 2] |
N/A |
- 五大專利局皆提供關於AI相關專利之專利適格性案例。(請見Q7)
- EPO, JPO 及 KIPO提供關於AI相關專利說明書規定案例。(請見Q13)
- EPO提供一關於AI相關專利新穎性規定案例。(請見Q16)
- EPO, JPO, KIPO及CNIPA提供關於AI相關專利進步性規定案例 (請見Q19)
- 對於處理AI技術相關專利,EPO, JPO及CNIPA對於AI相關專利的審查,提出了審查指南等資料的相關章節或案例。KIPO則有AI相關技術領域專章的審查基準。USIPO發布了網站資訊蒐集與AI相關專利資訊。(請見Q2)